Æðislegir kuldaskór! Annað parið sem ég kaupi á 5ára strákinn minn. Hann er með mjög ákveðnar skoðanir á því sem hann klæðist og hann vill bara þessa skó. Bæði flottir og mjög þægilegir. Mjúkir og léttir en samt hlýir og endingagóðir.
The shoes is extremely solid form the outside, which is good, and comfortable enough from inside. And also it is very stylish and unique design. However, it felt a bit rough from inside during first two days, but I guess it is feeling more and more comfortable. The insole inside is good, but not as attached as expected to the shoes, so it kind of move or tries to get out sometimes. Overall, Recommended product ^^